Monday, December 6, 2010

Hopefully this will give you a little laugh
*note I do not own this image

I'm ready.... for a break

I apologize for constantly complaining about school but I can't help it. I feel like I've been here way too long and I'm just ready for a much needed break. I'm ready to sleep in, to eat whenever I want, to not worry about that quiz or test coming up, and most of all, just to relax. I feel like my entire life just revolves around school and not much else. I don't even have time to waste time in the afternoons. For instance if I come home and exercise or watch for TV for a hour I better be ready to not go to bed until 11 at the earliest. Christmas break can not get here fast enough. To top everything off I get to take 5 exams this semester thanks to my schools new exam schedule. Awesome.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Taylor Swift Leading in Country Music.

So Taylor Swift all together has sold over 13 million copies of her CD. Yeah no big deal right? Very few people can say they were ranked on Billboard's Top 100 artists of the decade. Swift is one of the highest ranked country stars. I don't really like to consider Swift as a country singer because honestly I don' think her latest albums sound country it all with the exception of some guitars and twang in there. I do like Taylor Swift but I would consider her as more of a pop star. I like her because she isn't afraid to express her opinions in her music.